About Us

Hello my name is Daniel Kuburovski, Founder and CEO of Vinyl Sound.

I’d like to start off by saying “Quality music and sound reproduction, means everything to me”

I consider myself an audiophile who is extremely passionate about music and sound reproduction, who has been around music his entire life.

I remember purchasing my very first turntable years ago, which I will never forget… Taking a vinyl record out and placing it onto the turntable, watching the platter spin, lowering the stylus and experiencing a sound so warm and perfect… It was a magical experience, that really meant a lot to me!

Ever since then, my preference has always been listening to Vinyl Records.

My audio journey has been non stop... I constantly find myself swapping out cables, turntables, speakers and electronics, in attempt of finding that perfect sound, which I thought I already had.

Over the years, I have quickly learned that us audiophiles are never satisfied… We are always in search of that better sound… and we will go whatever distance is required to get it.

In March of 2018, I decided to take my passion to the next level and created an audio store called Vinyl Sound.

Throughout my journey, I have mastered the art of assembling audio systems capable of reproducing music so perfectly, providing emotional experiences and satisfaction for years to come. My goal is to share this knowledge and expertise with other audio enthusiasts who enjoy music.

Also, living in the outskirts of Toronto, it has always been a challenge going downtown to purchase records, so I wanted to simply this for myself and others. We now sell over 2000 New and Used vinyl records in our Store and growing…

I am also proud to say that we are authorized resellers for some of the World’s Best Audio Equipment, consisting of Harbeth, Accuphase, Kuzma, Primaluna and more...

We have created an Amazing Online and In-Store Atmosphere for all Music Enthusiasts to come, listen and enjoy!

For your Convenience, we are open 7 Days a Week!

Visit our Store today for a True Hi-Fidelity Experience!