Weight Capacity
The weight capacity per OREA isolator is as follows:
- OREA Graphite - 4 pounds (1.8 KG) per isolator
- OREA Bronze - 8 pounds (3.6 KG) per isolator
- OREA Indigo - 16 pounds (7.2 KG) per isolator
- OREA Bordeaux - 32 pounds (14.4 KG) per isolator
The OREA’s are designed to be used in multiples to match the weight of the component or speaker. The total weight capacity is calculated as follows:
Total Weight Capacity = [Weight cap. per isolator] x [Qty of Isolators]
It is common to use 3 or 4 OREA isolators for each component or speaker, but keep in mind that it is most important to stay within the weight capacity of the OREA isolator.
The weight distribution of the component can also be taken into account. If for example the component is heaviest at the back, then it is common to use 3 isolators with 2 positioned at the back corners and 1 positioned front/center.
The weight limits are based on the performance curves which are illustrated in the chart below: